Sunday 29 July 2012

My blueberry mornings

I might previously have mentioned in passing my love of weekend morning brunch. Ok, I admit it's possible that pretty much every second post on this blog is about weekend brunch recipes. Well, this will be yet another recipe for something to indulge in while lazily flipping through the paper of doing whatever else it is you like to do on a Sunday morning. 

I have to admit though that this morning I got up really early instead of enjoying a lazy lie in. And the reason for that was completely self-flagellatory. If you knew what I ate last night, I bet you would be horrified (have you ever heard of "Better than sex cake"? If you have, then imagine "Better than multiple orgasms cake". It was something along those lines, and it also contained about two weeks worth of calories). Anyways, this morning I was up at the crack of dawn for a run. And while I was running, there was one phrase drumming through my head at every step. "You can't outrun a bad diet". So, technically speaking, I should be chewing on a leaf of lettuce for brekkie today. And for lunch and dinner. Not just for today, but for the next three weeks. But...

I realised it's been at least a few weeks since I last had pancakes, so it's about time I try another new pancake recipe. The only problem was to find the perfect recipe. Well, actually it's not a problem, it's what I love to do. Browse food blogs (aka food porn) and pick and mix my favourite recipes. Lately, I have been making a lot of banana and chocolate chip pancakes, so I thought blueberries would make a nice change. And I really wanted to try a buttermilk pancake recipe, because to be honest, I have never cooked anything with buttermilk! And although I fully admit this is not a particularly healthy recipe in itself, I was going to throw in a handful of white choc chips as well, but decided not to in the end. Going to stick with berries and maple syrup. And I think it was all for the best, as they turned out quite delicious and not too sweet. Perfect way to reward yourself for a morning run (although technically the run was to burn off yesterday's cheat meal, and now I have to try to figure out a way to burn this off tomorrow). But weekend mornings should be celebrated, after all, only 2/7ths of the mornings of your life will be weekend mornings. And I was lucky to have some help from a friend to destroy this batch of fluffy goodness.

I found this recipe on Pinterest (go have a look at my newly arranged boards, there is one just for Pancakes and French toast). It's from a blog called Sprinkle Some Sunshine, which looks very lovely. 

Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes from Sprinkle Some Sunshine (makes 10 pancakes):
1 egg
125 g (1 cup) all purpose flour (I used 25g whole wheat and 100g AP)
10g sugar (I used light muscovado)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
270 ml buttermilk
30 g (2 tbsp) melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract (I used vanilla bean paste)
125 g fresh blueberries

Mix together all the dry ingredients. This can be done on the evening before, if you want to get a quick start for your brekkie. Beat egg with an electric whisk in another bow until frothy, add it with the buttermilk, butter and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients and mix. The batter will be thick. 

Spoon a few tablespoons of batter per pancake on the pan. Add blueberries onto the pancake. Cook until the batter is set and bubbles form. Gently flip over, and cook until golden brown. Serve with berries, maple syrup, honey, butter or any other topping of choice.

The verdict:
This is a really great pancake batter recipe. The pancakes turned out really light and fluffy. I'm definitely making these again. However, I think I should add just a tad more flour to the batter, it was a bit difficult to cook the pancakes as they spread out on the pan a bit too much. This would of course not have been problem if I wasn't trying to squeeze in as many pancakes as I can in my tiny little pan. Alas, I need to get a bigger pan, or one of those griddles for cooking the pancakes. That could help get beautiful, round pancakes. Now I am trying to cram three pancakes onto my small pan, and they spread until they run into each other, and then I have one giant pancake, which I have to cut into smaller pieces, and they never end up round and beautiful, but horrible disfigured blobs. Which of course doesn't affect the taste in any way, but you can't make those pretty stacks of perfectly round and beautiful pancakes which look so great on photos. 

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