Monday, 2 June 2014

Garden blossoms

This week I have been enjoying all the beautiful colours that are emerging all around the garden. I just walk around looking at the beauty all around us. The greenhouse is a jungle and everything is growing in the Culinary Consultant's tender care. The raspberry plants and strawberries are full of fruit and I can't wait for them to start turning red. We are also eagerly awaiting the tomatoes starting to appear. We already have courgettes on the way, so I can see a lot of ratatouille later in the summer. Until then, I will walk around and enjoy my flowers.

The courgettes were expelled from the greenhouse for taking up too much space. 
Poppies in so many different colours 

I have roses! My own pink roses in the front garden.

The front garden is in full bloom.

1 comment:

  1. Kiitos taas värien loistosta. Kiva kun ylläpidät valokuva-arkistoasi.
    Mahtavat bonukset saitte talon entisiltä omistajilta! Se Digitalis näytti valtavann
    korkealta mutta ehkä kuvausteknillinen kikka. Ja nuo ruusut! On kuin jonkun
    puutarhurin pihasta mutta kyllähän jo pienimuotoisesti sellaisia olettekin. Terveisiä myös toiselle viherpeukalolle ja kerro hänelle , että iäkkään muorin silmiä suunnattomasti siveli moiset kuvat.
